Who is She ?

So, who am I ? Obviously The Girl in Red Heels, silly !

Other than that, I go by my 'pen name' of Stella Preston ( because I like the anonymity and wouldn't we all like to go by a different name sometimes ? ), which is actually my middle name and son's name put together.

What does The Girl in Red Heels do ? ( Besides blogging about celebrities and pop culture )
I'm a 21 year old Mamma and Wifey and a Bachelor of Communications student who can't decide is she should major in PR or Jounalism. Or both.

Some other fun facts include :
I spend too much money on magazines. I consume too many caramel lattes and too much peppermint tea. I alphabetise my dvd collection. Most of that collection are tv on dvd series. I sometimes wish life was like Glee or Grease - we would all breakout in to song all the time. I'm a clean freak. One day, I'll live in New York.

Drop me some comment lovin while you're here !

Take Care Dolls,
The Girl in Red Heels. Xo